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Title: Doctor Who - The Music
Label: BBC Records REH 462
Date: 1983

Track listing

1 Tardis - Doctor Who Ron Grainer arr. Delia Derbyshire; Tardis sound created by Brian Hodgson
2 The Sea Devils Malcolm Clarke, Special Sound: Brian Hodgson 1971
3 Meglos Peter Howell, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1980
4 Nyssa's Theme Roger Limb, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1981
5 Kassia's Wedding Mrch Roger Limb, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1981
6 The Threat of the Melkur Roger Limb, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1981
7 Exploring the Lab Roger Limb, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1982
8 Nyssa is Hypnotised Roger Limb, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1982
9 The Leisure Hive Peter Howell, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1980
10 Omega Field force Roger Limb, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1983
11 Ergon Theme Roger Limb, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1983
12 Termination of the Doctor Roger Limb, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1983
13 Banqueting Music Peter Howell, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1981
14 TSS Machine Attacked Peter Howell, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1982
15 Janissary Band Peter Howell, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1983
16 Subterranean Caves Malcolm Clarke, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1982
17 Requiem Malcolm Clarke, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1982
18 March of the Cybermen Malcolm Clarke, Special Sound: Dick Mills 1982
19 Doctor Who Ron Grainer arr. Peter Howell
The BBC Radiophonic Workshop's long (and continuing) association with the Doctor Who series began with the Signature Tune for the very first programme. Ron Grainer provided the composition notes and the Workshop did the rest.

During the past twenty years, the Workshop has provided all the special sounds and latterly the incidental music for the past three series. Most famous sounds are, of course, the Tardis materialisation and dematerialisation sounds (not an elephant in labour, but the strings of an old piano recorded and treated) and the treatment of speech which produced the Dalek voices. Brian Hodgson was creator of the sounds for the first nine years, since which time Dick Mills has continued the tradition still making full use of the Workshop's synthesizers and acoustically recorded real sounds.

The incidental music is composed by Malcolm Clarke, Peter Howell and Roger Limb on a shared basis over the series, which accounts for the varying styles of composition but which are nevertheless just what the Doctor ordered.

Recordings produced by The BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Co-ordinated by Dick Mills and John Walley
All titles BBC Copyright except 'Doctor Who' signature tune.

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